Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Strategic role of Sales in Room Division Management During and after the Pandemic

Article contributed by Mr. Achal Raj Vij and Dr. Savita Upreti, Amrapali Institute of Hotel Management

Corona Virus has created a lot of night mares in every occupation and hospitality is one such sufferer. Empty restaurants and rooms with the huge open space deserted and silent is not what this sector appreciates, it even dreads its thought. When COVID hit the world no one had even apprehended that the vicious cycle would engulf the whole world and consume most of its functioning within seconds, yet it happened. It came, it is and it may last for some time. This deadly thought came forward as nervous reflections from some but the majority started planning for it, equipping against it and preventing any future loss. Astonishing were the strategic planning and management that came from hospitality industry such that it bifurcated the entire scenario into three phases, the COVID phase, the present scenario and the future stage. Hoteliers have been dealing with the pandemic effects keeping these three phases in mind. They have used the lockdown period on research to develop strategy to overcome any future damage when the guests start coming out.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Augmented Reality- Enhancing the Future

Article contributed by Mr. Nandan Singh Dasila, Assistant Professor, Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences

Augmented reality (AR) is a real-world interaction experience in which real-life objects are developed by computer-assisted mind. AR can be described as a system that fulfils three basic elements: a combination of real-world and virtual world, real-time communication, and precise 3D registration of virtual and virtual reality. Neglected sensory details can be positive or negative. This experience is so seamlessly integrated into the physical world that it is considered a diving element of real nature. In this way, augmented reality alters one's ongoing perception of a real-world environment.

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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Insight to Hospitality HR Practices

Extract of activity planned by: Training & Placement cell –AIHM

Article contributed by Mr. Pawan Mehra - Associate Professor, Manager – Training & Placement (Amrapali Institute of Hotel Management) 

Should a teacher do blogging? This was the year end discussion at AIHM as we all sat around the coffee table with the social distancing norms to comfort ourselves at the passing year as we Bid it Adieu. Finally it was a yes and we are into it at the opening of the year. Some say we are nurturing our personality too with the new norms.

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Monday, March 15, 2021

International Women’s Day Celebrations at Amrapali Group of Institutes Haldwani

Article contributed by Col. R. V. V. S. Jagati, Mr. Ramashish Prajapati and Mr. Rahul Palaria

Even the Gods honour the women. The Devi’s are revered even by them. Today, the women have walked out of the thresholds of domestic kitchen and have with great elan taken on the onus of business, medical science, education, administrative services, police, sports and even the political arena. Women in every sphere have flown the banner high. 8th of March is celebrated as International Women Day globally. The women in all sphere of life operate with the men folk. We are proud that our women folk of Uttarakhand are never a shade behind instead, they lead from the front.

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Monday, March 1, 2021


Article contributed by Mr. Amir Hussain, Dr. Savita Upreti and Deepak Pandey BHM KU 7th Sem

Now as a teacher teaching students how to prepare for an interview is as easy as watching the ants carry heavy loads on their head. Once upon a time it was a pressure with perspiration on the forehead and an alarming bell resonating about a week ahead of an interview call. We all have faced interviews in life and those who haven’t have no escape, the time will definitely come. The experiences of interview as tough as the mountain are easily readable on every face be it a cousin, elder or friend. ‘IT MUST BE A TOUGH DEAL THEN?’ and we all develop reasons to fear the interview. Now that we are into the process we find that there are ways out to the problem that will lead to a solution of a settled life with little dependence monetarily and mentally.

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Satellite TV

Fig: Satellite TV structure (source : internet)


A satellite television (TV) system some times refers as direct broadcast satellite (DBS) is the systems in which the subscribers, or end users, receive signals directly from geostationary satellites. A geostationary satellite is a satellite which is orbiting around the earth in equatorial plane, placed at an altitude of approximately 35,800 kilometers, these satellites revolves in the same direction the earth rotates (west to east).

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Thursday, February 18, 2021


Negative Interest :panacea or placebo

Article contributed by Dr. Deep Chandra Oli, Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Management

In  the common parlance interest has been defined as the price  or cost of capital or cost of money .The underlying postulate in economic theory is the scarcity of resources .Interest is paid when one uses someone else’s money this is the edifice on which entire economic theory has been architect. The borrower agrees to pay the lender for using money provided to borrower .  In other words borrower compensates the lender by paying interest for keeping him out of funds for a certain period .

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Strategic role of Sales in Room Division Management During and after the Pandemic Article contributed by Mr. Achal Raj Vij and Dr. Savita Up...